Maritime Training Center
With the implementation of the Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) with 2010 Manila amendments, and with the new development in the National Government tasking the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) as the sole maritime administration, the Maritime Training Center of Holy Cross of Davao is of big assistance to cater to the training needs of seafarers in the region who wish to comply to the new regulations.
The Holy Cross of Davao College Maritime Training Center with the support of the administration continues to develop and improve the facilities and equipments at its training site in Camudmud, Samal to provide quality training in the region and aims to offer more training courses in the near future which is of importance to the seafarers specially in Mindanao which comprises 30% of the total population of seafarers in the country.
The Maritime Training Center of Holy Cross of Davao College, Inc offers:

For First Timers
- Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate – 2 pcs
- Photocopy of Transcript of Records or Course Completion Certificate (for college level or Graduate, or any TESDA Courses) – 2 pcs
- Form 137/diploma (for high school graduates) – 2 pcs
- Photocopy of Medical Certificate (from MARINA Approved Medical Centers) – 2 pcs
- 1 pc 2X2 picture
For Ex-Crew
Photocopy of Previous BST training Certificate with COP– 1 pc
Photocopy of NSO– 2 pcs
Photocopy of page 1 of SIRB or Passport page 1 only (if you don’t have NSO)– 2 pcs
Photocopy of Medical Result in MARINA format (not expired) – 2 pcs
Enrollment Procedure and Completion Requirements
- Secure Registration Form from the Training Center Office;
- Comply registration requirements;
- Submit filled up Registration Form w/attached requirements;
- Get Training T-shirt and handouts at MTC Office;
- Attend Training Schedule and pass the assessment;
- Secure and comply clearance;
- Schedule release of certificate
Training Center Policy
- Trainee must adhere to the Rules and Regulations of Holy Cross of Davao College Inc. in general.
- HCDC Maritime Training Center is part of Holy Cross of Davao College and therefore weapons, smoking, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or Trainee under the influence of drugs/alcohol is not permitted in the center building or on the center grounds at any time (Main Campus or Samal Training Site). If a violation of this policy occurs, trainees program will be terminated.
- Trainee must observe proper and orderly conduct during the training sessions and when inside the center grounds.
- Cell phones should be turned off or should be in silent mode while training sessions are conducted.
- A trainee must wear the training center T-shirt as required or decent/respectable attire during the duration of the training period. Wearing of Sandals/slippers, sando and shorts is strictly prohibited.
Training Center Guidelines
Trainees are required to complete the prescribed number of training hours.
-Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FPFF) 15.0 hrs.
-Personal Survival Technique (PST) 14.0 hrs.
-Elementary First Aid (EFA) 15.0 hrs.
-Personal Safety and Social Responsibility 14.0 hrs.
- A trainee must never be late or absent during the duration of the training. If incase, He/she will be declared incomplete and is required to attend a refresher on the next scheduled date of training, for the module affected. A penalty of P 200.00 per module will be charged for non compliance.
- A trainee who will miss the Practical Dry Run and Assessment will be required to attend a refresher for all the training modules and is charged with a penalty of P 200.00 per module.
- A trainee who failed 3 times of a training module is required to attend a refresher on the next training schedule. A penalty of P 200.00 per module is charged to the trainee.
- Re – issuance of training certificates will be charged P 200.00 in case of loss or damage.